If you want to take your website, blog, or brand to the next level, then you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ve compiled a mega list of websites with thousands of FREE stock photos for you to choose from. The categories range from simple geometry pictures, to travel photos you won’t find elsewhere.
Take note, however that though the photos from these websites are free to use without worrying about copyright restrictions, it is still imperative for you to make sure that they are listed under the Creative Common or Public Domain License as this allows you to use them without having to ask for permission. Some photos also require attribution or at least a link to the original source, so make sure to also exercise moderation and carefulness in using free photos from anywhere to avoid legal troubles.

Top sites where you can get free stock photos:
- It is quite popular and has an interface that makes it easy to use. You can find most of what you need here whether it's nature photos, background photos, or sceneries. Though it is a bit smaller than other sites such as Pixabay, it is still a great option.
- You also simply have to click the down arrow to the right of the “Free download” button, select the size you prefer, then click the green Download button to download the picture. Easy, right?
2. Foodies Feed
- As the name suggests, this site is made for foodies. It has hundred of pictures of mouth-watering food that you could totally use on your blogs to captivate your audience!
- What’s more, is that you do not have to sign up or pay for anything! Simply click the “Freee download” button twice, and you’re good to go!
- The selection here is still quite small compared to the others that we will soon list, but if you want photos specifically about geometry, shapes, and minimalism. Then you’re in the right spot!
- No membership or payment is also required to download.
- Just as the name says, this is the place to go when you’re looking for high-resolution nature images!
- New photos are also added every day and downloading images are super easy!
- Use this site if you’re looking for a quirky and fun resource for stock photography. Unlike most other sites, the pictures here are out of the box and most find them to be humorous.
- It is a project by a person named Ryan Mcguire and downloading images is as easy as clicking the download button at the bottom right-hand corner.
6. Kaboom Pics
- With a beautiful interface, thousands of royalty-free pictures, and daily users, Kaboom Pics should definitely be one of the top spots for your stock photo resources!
- Many of the images on this site are aesthetically pleasing and would suit most types of brands well.
- Download is also convenient as hovering your mouse over the pictures can show you the download button immediately.
7. Foter
- This site has one of the largest selections of over 335 million stock photos you can use for free. The interface is also very user-friendly. You won’t have to get lost through a maze of millions of photos to get what you need. Rather, you can sort them by categories and find what you need instantly!
- No membership is required, though it does have some unique steps to follow such as, after downloading the image, you have to check the license to see how you can use it, and see instructions on how to make attributions if necessary.
- The selections on this site are also unique as they have a designer vibe that you can’t find easily everywhere. The recent photo packs are free to download and use, but you can also opt to subscribe for only $15 a month to have unlimited access to their gallery.
- Downloading is also very intuitive once you get to the site.
- If you are a business owner looking for high-resolution photos to use for your brand, then this is the perfect place for you! Most of their selections are tailor-made for business owners and fit the current season. They also feature new trendy business ideas that you can surely use to amp up your business.
- The categories are also clear and easy to follow. Downloading is also convenient.
10. Pixabay
- Is one of the most well-known stock photography sites and holds over 2 million royalty free photos that anyone can use.
- Most of the photos you can download are of high quality and you can select whether you want an illustration, photo, or even vector arts!
- This site truly boasts some of the widest array of choices you can have.
- Downloading is also much easier if you create a free account, so we recommend doing that.
- This site has a more minimalistic feel to it. However, the pictures here are incredibly stunning especially if you’re looking for travel-related photos.
- If you’re making a travel blog or website, then this site is for you.
12. Free Range Stock
- This place holds a wide array of beautiful, and captivating stock photos you can choose from. The photos are also sometimes contributed by the users themselves, but nonetheless they are also free to use.
- You might also have to make a free account in order to fully enjoy the website.
13. Albumarium
- The site is also quite minimalistic, but it is quite convenient to use as photos here are sorted by albums or their categories so you can easily find what you are looking for!
- In addition, you can also sort by images that are available for free commercial use. How convenient is that?
- The download process is also quite easy as no membership is required.
14. FindA.Photo
- Its website is also unique from what we have seen so far. There are a lot of toolbars relating to its business information, but the largest search bar below it lets you search for stock photos.
- Download is also easy as long as you make sure that the license for the photo is handled correctly.
Other free options you have to check out
In case any of these weren’t up to what you are looking for, then do not worry! Here are some more options you can look through to find the perfect stock photos you are looking for!
1. Bucketlistly
2. Cupcake
3. Epicantus
4. Every Stock Photo
5. FancyCrave
6. Freephotos.cc
7. Freestocks.org
8. Good Free Photos
9. IM Free
10. Image Base
11. ISO Republic
12. Jay Mantri
13. Jeshoots
14. Life of Pix
15. Little Visuals
16. Magdeleine
17. Makerbook
18. MMT Stock
19. MorgueFile
20. Moveast
21. Negative Space
22. New Old Stock
23. The Pattern Library
24. Photober
25. Pic Jumbo
26. Picography
27. Public Domain Archive
28. Realistic Shots
29. Refe
30. RGB Stock
31. Shotstash
32. Skitter Photo
33. Smithsonian on Flickr
34. Splashbase
35. Splitshire
36. Startup Stock Photos
37. Stockvault
38. Stocksnap.io
39. Stokpic
40. Styled Stock
41. Superfamous
42. Unsplash
43. Vintage